Welcome To
Little Light Pre-K

3K For All and Pre-K For All

Register for the 2024 - 2025 school year.

Give us a call at 718.316.9371 or email us at warren@littlelightprek.com

Our program takes an interdisciplinary approach to all themes. We believe that children’s minds are like sponges, absorbing knowledge from the information that’s given to them. Their learning capacity is limitless as long as they are interested and engaged. With that in mind, our goal is to playfully introduce concepts of arts and sciences as far as their interests and ages allow.

Social emotional skills are extremely important  for all ages, and early childhood is a crucial time on the development of healthy practices on these matters. Playing is a perfect opportunity for educators to guide kids through it, since play-time is when children can make their decisions, solve their problems with friends, and learn how to ask for help if needed.

Our program's goal is to support the development of the whole child, lovingly guiding them through academics, reasoning skills and emotional development. 

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3-K For All
Register now!

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Summer Camp

Have some summer fun!

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Pre-K For All
Register now!

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