All About STEAM
What is STEAM?
STEAM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, Art + Math.
Isn’t it too early to be teaching these things in preschool?
Not at all! Preschool-aged children are capable of learning the fundamental concepts of these subjects. In fact, your child already is. Every time they build a block tower or sand castle, clap to the rhythm of a song, help measure out sugar for cookies, or drop twigs into a rain puddle to see if they float, children are learning to design, pattern, count, and test out theories.
What does a STEAM program look like at Little Light PreK?
At Little Light PreK, we purposefully build STEAM into our classroom environment and into the activities we do. Our classrooms are divided into learning centers - including math, science, sand/water, blocks, art, and dramatic play - where students have free choice of play twice a day. Allowing children to direct their own learning helps build skills such as abstract reasoning, problem-solving, persistence, and focus.
We also plan specific activities designed to teach age-appropriate STEAM concepts. On any given day, students might be building a block bridge across the classroom, designing a simple working circuit, writing and performing an original fairy tale, learning to code an app, or preparing a class snack.
Why should I choose a STEAM program for my child?
The world has changed dramatically in recent years. The economy and job market have shifted toward technology, engineering and science. Today’s children need a solid foundation in STEAM concepts to prepare for a successful future, and establishing this foundation at an early age will give them an important edge as they move into elementary school and beyond.